Wednesday 8 September 2010

Wednesday 08/09/2010

Thought a quick update would be good. I did go over on sunday but it rained for most of the day so got extremely wet, it did clear up in the evening and I cleared a path on the new beds. Went over last night to get a couple of hours in but realised that I had for got my boots and cycling shoes are not the best thing for wearing when digging. So it was an hour or so of weeding and boy did it need it, it seems that a little bit of rain has made everything spring into life the kohlrabi have grown and so have the weeds and lettuce, so I weeded between everything and thinned out the lettuce, you never know I might get one or two before the first frosts.
The leeks I planted on saturday look to be doing ok they are straightening themselves up, a couple of my first leeks have died  or rather they never really started but the rest seem fine and are starting to thicken up. I also planted some more green manure on the bare patches of earth, I did notice that the rye grass is starting to show its self so that will cover the beds soon.

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