Recipes, or what I have made.

Blackberry and Apple Jam Recipe
1.3 lbs (1.35 kg)  blackberries
2.1 lb (450 g) apples
3.¼ pint (145 ml) water
4.4 lb (1.8 kg) sugar
•Peel and core the apples. Weigh and cut into slices.
•Put into a preserving pan with just enough water to prevent the apples burning.
•Simmer gently until the apples are soft.
•Pick over and wash the blackberries, drain well and put into a pan with ¼ pint water.
•Stew until tender and add to the cooked apples.
•Test for pectin.
•Add the sugar and stir until dissolved.
•Bring to the boil and boil rapidly for about 10 minutes, until the jam sets when tested.
•Remove the scum.
•Pot and seal at once.
Makes approximately 6 lbs (2.7 kg)  of jam.

I also made the plum jam the next day following the recipe above but adding plums instead of blackberry's. These were wild plums, smaller than normal ones, again a lovely jam.

A very simple and easy recipe to follow for my first time at Jam making and it went like clockwork. The jam set and I jarred it straight away and tasted it the next day wonderful !

The recipe was from "Allotment and Vegetable Gardening forum"  Allotment and vegetable forum


And here is the result of less than an hours picking 6lb of blackberry and apple jam all nicely jarred up and labelled.


I was given a bunch of beetroot's at the weekend so I did the only sensible thing I cooked and pickled them, thought it would make a few jars so bought lots of vinegar, turned out I only needed a pint as they were only enough for two jars, oh well its still two jars.

Friday 03/09/2010.
Managed to scrump some cooking apples today wasn't sure what to do with them but in the end went for Apple chutney from 
which is one of Vals recipes. Only took a couple of hours to make and made everywhere smell of vinegar, in the end it made four pounds which filled six small jars and two pickle jars.

Managed to get hold of some ripe tomatoes on wednesday night so following one of Vals recipes I made tomato chutney here is the recipe

Tomato Chutney Recipe
  • 3 lb (1.4 kg) ripe tomatoes
  • 1½ lb (675 g) cooking apples
  • 2 oz (56 g) salt
  • 1½ pints (900 ml) vinegar
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 oz (56 g) mixed pickling spice
  • 2 teaspoonsful ground ginger
  • 6 oz (170 g) brown sugar
  1. Skin and slice the tomatoes, Peel, core and slice the apples.
  2. Put into a pan with the salt, vinegar, ground ginger and sugar. Add the pickling spice and garlic tied in a piece of muslin.
  3. Bring to the boil and then cook until thick.
  4. Pot into clean, hot, sterilized jars and seal whilst still hot.
  5. Label with contents when fully cooled.
Makes about 4 lbs (1.8 kg) Tomato Chutney.
And here is a picture of my jarred chutney.

I used tesco sweet pickle jars, these are 25p each and the pickle is crap so just threw that away its cheaper than buying new jars.

I have also started making my own bread again I have had a few failures but here is a good loaf, this was made using Delias no kneed method.

Tonight I made bread rolls using the traditional method of letting the bread rise these were made with 1/3 strong white and 2/3 strong wholemeal flour.

Sunday 12/09/2010 I made one batch of bread rolls first thing this morning and they all turned out great I then froze them in fours enough for one day. Tonight I made another batch but instead of all rolls I made five rolls and a small loaf, here is a picture of tonight's successful baking. So today I made a total of seventeen rolls and a loaf enough I hope to last all week.

I still have a 3lb marrow left over and I am not sure what to do with it either cook and eat it chutney or jam it I will have to make my mind up in the next couple of days I suppose.

Another busy night I made Vals Marrow chutney tonight it all went very well and easy, you will find the recipe on this page Real Food Recipes  And here is the proof.....

I have also designed my own labels which I might use from now on.