Saturday 11 September 2010

Saturday 11/09/2010

Well it didn't look like  a very promising day when I got up this morning it was raining hard, as my strawberry plants had arrived yesterday I had to really plant them today so off to the garden centre first to buy some weed control fabric. There was an offer on buy on get one free on the fabric and also on fleece so I might have to go back and get some fleece but for now I just bought the weed control stuff. After lunch the weather looked a lot better so off I went over to the allotments.

I have never used this fabric stuff to plant through before I have used it to control weeds on paths and found it easy to use for that purpose, but for planting through its a bloody nightmare ! It being windy today probably didn't help but its still not an easy thing to plant through.The stones are there to stop the fabric flapping around.

I also hoed all the paths around my plots and down to the taps I will be glad when other people are here more regular as the paths will be used more so hopefully the weeds will be less. I also cleared another two paths between the beds on my second plot, here are a couple of pictures they look good as the sun was casting a shadow across the beds.

I also earthed up my potatoes as they have really grown in the last week and as you might be able to see from the pictures so has my green manure. That's it for today pretty tired today not much sleep last night thats why all the paths weren't cleared.

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