Whats been planted 2010 and spent

This will be a list of plants that I have planted including date and price, and other expenses eg tools.

Basic garden fork £14.00
String £1.99
Tesco deal, Spear & Jackson fork and spade Tesco Dutch hoe (they didn't have the S&J hoe)and watering can total price £40.00, with cash back and the £5.00 to £10.00 deal I didn't pay anything, without the deal I wouldn't have bought or needed these but it was such a good deal I thought I would treat myself they are also lovely to use. I had some of these back in the 80's so I knew that they would be good to use.

Saturday 31/07/2010 Courgette plant 1 off, free

Sunday  01/08/2010 Cabbage plants 7 off, free
Sunday  01/08/2010 Leeks 14off free
Sunday 08/08/2010 Kohlrabi seeds £2.20 
Sunday 08/08/2010 String £2.50
Received part of my order from Dobies today :09/08/2010
Lettuce Mixture £1.15 Sowed some tonight 09/08/2010 one row
Mustard (green manure)  £2.95
Went to Nailsworth Garden centre tonight as they have a sale on bought
Kohl Rabi Blusta £2.19
Turnip Oasis £2.19
Broad bean Crimson Flower £1.99
Cabbage Greyhound £1.35
Kale Black Tuscany £1.89
Total                       £9.61
Sale Price                £4.78

Saturday 21/08/2010
Bought the restof my seeds for next year today apart from the cougettes and chard I bought
pak choi
butter nut
cabbage x 2
spring onions red
spring onions white
onions normal x2
lettuce iceburg
lettuce webbs wonderful
runner beans x 2

I also bought a set of prunners
a water sprayer for the hose
two balls of twin
And a belt holder for the pruners
in total it came to £22.00

Two lots of netting £6.00 tetbury hardware shop

For an all up Total of £57.57

Bamboo canes Malmesbury garden centre £1.99 x 2 = £3.98

10 rolls of netting the 99p shop 99p x 10 = £9.90
2 rolls of pea netting 99p shop 99p x 2 = £1.98

Two packets of green manure £2.99 x 2 = £5.98
Plant Labels £2.79


One 50 mtr roll of blue water pipe £21.15
onion sets 4 lots of red £7.72
One set of white £1.93
Shallots two sets £4.00
Seed trays and covers £8.00
Tulips £2.00
weed cover matting £9.99 buy one get one free.
Strawberry plants 36 off £3.00.

Total Cost £139.99