Wednesday 25 August 2010

Wednesday 25/08/2010

Due to the bad weather on monday I wasn't able to get anything done on the plot, I was also worried that the rain would continue on tuesday as I had booked the rotavator again for the day. Anyway as luck would have it tuesday turned out pretty good, I had to be at the plot by 8.30am as this is when David was going to deliver the rotavator and true to his word he did.

This is what I had the use of for the day, in fact its the community rotavator for anyone to use.
I started off by rotavating the beds I had set up on sunday just going crossways across them.I then raked them over. I then spent the rest of the morning going up and down the remaining part of the plot it takes a lot more time than I thought it would.

I then marked out the paths across the plot and cleared these of soil, you might just be able to see the strings, it was then just a case of rotavating crossways again on each of the beds.
It was then just a case of raking each of the plots and planting green manure on the beds which will be empty until next year. I did plant some turnips whether these will come to much I am not sure but I am mainly growing them for the greens. Just two small rows is all I need.

Here is the completed plot, I am very happy how its turned out I just have to wait until my brassicas and onion sets turn up before I can plant anything else. I do have some things growing so these will have to be thinned and looked after.

I also dug some more of the owners potatoes and also tried one of his sweetcorn .... he did give me permission if you did his plot you can help yourself, which is pretty good for me as I like digging I find it very relaxing and calming.

As you can see the ground to right of my plot is untouched and covered with thistle and doc also the plot on the end of mine is the same, so every time I go over I like to chop down anything that is near to seeding I am hoping that something will be done with this soon.

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