Saturday 9 October 2010


Here are some pictures from today.

Just to show how much everything has grown, the grass at the from is Italian rye grass this is a green manure, in the background you can see the mustard I planted a few weeks ago

 I put up these plastic hopes today and attached some cd's to them to act as scarer's
 Here are my broad beans they have grown quick, maybe too quick

 I have also hoped all the brassicas as pigeons had ripped apart one of my plants
 Something not quite right with these spuds but there are potatoes under there not many but they do look nice, they are kestral ones.
 Done a bit of weeding and cleaning up today.

 Here is a shot looking back a cross my two plots, the thistle patch on the right is some one elses
My strawberries are doing well.
Thats it for this weekend, i have weeded one whole bed by hand removing every weed and the roots and I have started on another one. My one major disappointment is the turnips I planted two rows using the whole packet of seed 200 -300 seeds and only around a dozen have come through I was hoping that these would come through well as I planned to use the greens.

I shall go back on monday and weed everything I can, I am hoping if I continue to do this the need for weeding will be reduced in the future.
The next major plantings will be my raspberry canes I have 30 of these coming and my gooseberry bushes I have 10 red and 10 yellow coming but I am hoping to sell on five or six of each to other people. I would like a couple more rhubarb plants as well I will have to keep my eye out for some.

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