Sunday 19 September 2010

saturday 18/09/2010

A busy day today I had planned to do quite a bit as the weather does not look good for sunday. To start with I did some hoeing in between all the plants and the paths I then thinned the lettuce again and the kohlrabi. I had popped up on thursday night and dug over and incorporated some good horse manure into the beds I have set aside for my broad beans, so I started to plant the broad bean seeds and realised that I did not have enough to finish so I have ordered some more they are Aquadule longpods I really enjoy broad beans so I have done or will do eight eight foot rows of these.

This is the broad bean bed and the one behind it as well.

I then planted some chard whether they will come to anything I do not know but they are under cover so I am hoping for something, next to these I planted some winter lettuce. They are under the covers in the above picture.

I have also cut down the first lot of mustard that I grew as it was near to 20" tall and getting  a bit woody it cut very easy and if the weather is ok tomorrow I will dig it in, I also earthed up the potatoes again.

I then planted my shallots I went for 100 and hope to have a few for next year next to these I planted 100 white onions, I will see how they go but if they are pulled up I will put some hoops up with bird scarer's on.

Shallots at the front and white onions at the rear.

On a sad note it looks like the leeks I was given by mike have all fallen over and died so I will be removing them tomorrow.

The last thing I did yesterday was dig over the very last bit of the plot, this is the square where I first put up my compost bit, its got looks of tree roots in it but I will go through it at some time and remove these.

The thing I can not get over is how well my strawberry plants have taken, when I planted them they were little dried up plants now they are green with new leaves showing ....fantastic

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